Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Method 5

Originally uploaded by mallhair
I'm still new to this online photo sharing business. I just recently (as in 2007) starting using a digital camera. I'm not afraid of digital media, I just really like film. I currently have a flickr and a photobucket account. I don't like taking pictures of myself, so I generally don't post much. I used to take tons of pictures, but they are all on film. I think I would use these services more if I were to get back on the camera wagon.
On a professional level - LET'S DO THIS! There are so many great things to do. Flickr has the rotating picture ball widget which I've seen on SAPL's website (awesome, btw). I would love to do something like that. I think that would be a great marketing tool. I think that patrons like to see themselves.
However, going into whether or not patrons photographs should be used. When I worked as a Youth Services Librarian, we would get at written consent before we posted pictures to our website. That got really tedious. So, eventually, we would announce before a program that we would be taking pictures and to let us know if they did not want pictures of their children to be posted on the website. Here, we have releases from the campus that we can use for pictures of patrons. I think photos are always great - they really make a website more accessible.
Extra Credit:
I am going to stick with Flickr and Photobucket for right now. Mostly because this has been pretty heavy on the google gadgets (blogger, google docs, gmail, etc...) Again, the crazy librarian who has read too many sci-fi novels!

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