Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beyond Method 11

I've used online survey tools before. We did a LibQual survey a few years ago. That was insane. We had select classes come in to fill out a survey. We incentivized it with a prize (a gift card or something, I can't remember). It provided a lot of great data. I've also used surveys I've created to get feedback from students. I used SurveyMonkey to get information about how students used the library, what they wanted, and suggestions for improvement. I've been compiling those for years. I am hoping to use them to get more computers in the library (fingers crossed!). I have also used paper surveys to rate my instruction at the end of instruction sessions. We are thinking about moving to GoogleForms for our surveys. I think that would be way easier. Paper forms are good, but the amount of time we spent inputting the data into an Access database (which I created) to create reports is not worth it. I've used them once in class using LibGuides' poll function. The data is harder to catch for later. I've also found them fun during presnetations (as an audience member). I like watching them populate. In fact, this method has inspired me to try to use them more in our information literacy sessions (see Qualtrics below). I think I might want to have an open-ended question at the beginning asking them what they want me to cover. Then, sprinkle multiple choice questions throughout the session asking them information literacy concepts to see how much they're learning, what they know, and what concepts are totally over their heads. I think it would be fun.
How does your library typically survey its patrons?
At one of my libraries, we use a paper survey and SurveyMonkey.
At the other, we use mostly paper surveys.
Do you see that changing in light of anything covered here?
Why or why not?
I think they could be fun ways to get the students more engaged. I think they could also save us LOADS of time since students would be filling out a form online, which populates a spreadsheet, which we could download...saving us from having to enter each paper survey.
And regarding live audience survey tools such as PollEverywhere, do you see a use for such tools in your library?
YES! I want to use them for info lit instruction!
I wanted to see what the Qualtrics can do. It sounds like a pretty cool survey platform: Qualtrics Survey I created
I created this for a tutorial...I was thinking of using it...but, thought it was too silly. Here are two of the viewing options:
This one is just for taking the poll:

This one you can view it as it changes:

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