Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Method 8

I love social networking sites! Social networking sites help me keep track of my friends and family who live far away from me. In fact, I've become closer to some of my family members with Facebook.

As for personal/professional/privacy - I've been thinking a lot about this for a long time. When I first started writing really terrible poetry and posting it on poetry websites (don't ask, it was highschool, I had a dark pit of dark darkness that needed a poetry outlet, and yes...the poems were embarrassingly terrible). When I would post my stuff, I used an email with fake information. As I got older, I continued to use false information for many of my adventures online - blogging, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Bebo, AIM, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc...mostly because I was paranoid that people I didn't know would try to contact me. I'm actually glad that I've done that, so that many of the dumb poems (and blog posts, attempts at websites, etc...) might stay hidden/unconnected to my professional life. However, recently, I have started combining my personal and professional lives. For example, I keep my facebook profile as professional as possible - I limit pictures, language, etc... I also have a shelfari account that I share with my coworkers. I have joined LinkedIn. I never thought I would ever have a professional online persona, but I do now. I really try to keep my professional persona seperate from my nonprofessional one. I don't think I will have seperate Myspace/Facebook accounts. My life is pretty boring, so there's really not much to hide. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try...Does anyone remember China pressuring Yahoo to release data on a user? (Again with the Sci Fi? YES!)

Neither of my libraries is using Facebook or Myspace...however, I think we will start using them soon. I have already been thinking of making a mockup of a facebook account to show my dean to see what she thinks. If she likes it, then its a go! And at my other library, I might do a myspace mockup and a facebook mockup. These would be great for events and reminding people to come to events! Hurray for sending invites! Also, I like Texas Tech's Myspace profile better than their Facebook - mostly because they have a really awesome layout.

Facebook: Me

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